Juni 2017 − TS 22163 Seminare in Frankfurt

An den beiden TS 22163-Seminaren in Frankfurt nahmen 16 Teilnehmer aus der Schweiz, Deutschland, Tschechien, Frankreich, USA, Italien, UK, Finnland und Estland teil.

 Die Kundenzufriedenheit lag wieder über 90%. Im Blog können Sie die Meinungen der Teilnehmer nachlesen.


  1. Andreas Heinzmann  Juli 1, 2017

    Following is a collection of comments from the participants, gathered from their feedback sheets for the seminar evaluation:

    I liked most:
    – the good discussions and the feedback to our questions,
    – good and informative training package,
    – practical use of TS 22163 requirements on how to put them into practice,
    – the good mix of participants from the rail industry,
    – the inclusion of many best practices and examples,
    – opportunities for participants to share their experience and relate class topics to their business,
    – Andreas is very knowledgable and experienced in the rail industry and on business management systems.


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